Net Neutrality: How It Will Change the Internet

Net Neutrality


Net Neutrality – Internet service providers like Comcast and Verizon may soon be free to block content, slow video-streaming services from rivals, and offer “fast lanes” to preferred partners. For a glimpse of how the internet experience may change, look at what broadband providers are doing under the existing “net neutrality” rules. Continue reading “Net Neutrality: How It Will Change the Internet”

What washing dishes, driving a truck and working in a cemetery taught me about the power of ‘blue-collar’ software

I stumbled across this article and I felt it was  a good read because it related so closely with the Hartman Technology team. Personally I grew up working on swine farms, on constructions sites, in call centers and even in a gym for period of time. Although most of our team has been in Sioux Falls for some time, the team has a diverse background which led them here. Continue reading “What washing dishes, driving a truck and working in a cemetery taught me about the power of ‘blue-collar’ software”